Girls Sandals

Buying Guide Toddler Girls Sandals Canada

Choosing the right pair of shoes for your child is essential, but unfortunately it is sometimes difficult to find the right model among the multitude of products on the market. The ideal pair must meet the criteria of comfort, flexibility and lightness. There are, however, some features that vary depending on the age of your child that are important.

A good pair of shoes helps your child to have good posture, which is an important factor as they grow. Choosing the wrong pair can have consequences for their long-term physical development.

Find out what are the essential characteristics to choose the sandal for your child, according to his age. Your child will be eager to wear a pair that suits them!

4 tips for choosing your child’s sandals

  1. A pair of sandals should be flexible and light. It is very important that it adapts to your child’s feet and does not interfere with his movements.
  2. Preferably choose leather. This material prevents sweating on the feet and offers more comfort.
  3. Take them slightly larger than your children’s current height. Indeed, Mother Nature often chooses the summer to let their little feet grow and can often put them back the following year at the start of the season.
  4. Bet everything on appearance. Buy sandals in your little one’s favorite color, with glitter, rhinestones or downright metallic sandals, with Spiderman, Dory or any hero of their preference. They will have more fun wearing them.

What age should my child start wearing shoes?

Toddler Girls Sandals CanadaMost of the time, before your child starts walking on their own or leaning on furniture, it is recommended that you leave them barefoot. This practice does not interfere with the fluidity of his transfers of positions on the ground. The shoes will mainly serve to protect him from the cold and, depending on the surface, to prevent his feet getting dirty or even injuring himself.

Once your child starts to walk, wearing shoes becomes more important. However, in order not to constrain the development of the foot, the shoes must be flexible, well-adjusted and have non-slip soles.

Periods of barefoot walking at home (after returning from daycare, in the garden, after leaving the bath, etc.) can also be added to periods of walking with shoes. Also avoid wearing socks exclusively on slippery floors for children learning to walk, as they will be less stable and risk falling.

What are the essential qualities of a good shoe?

When you start putting shoes on your child, it is important that the shoe is as flexible and light as possible to avoid straining the foot. The shoe must adapt to the child’s foot and not the other way around. The child should not behave differently when he has his shoes on (grabbing by the toes to keep the shoe on the foot, changing the position of the foot to hold the shoe, etc.).

Tips for the flexibility of a shoe

To find out if a shoe is flexible enough, take it in your hand and try to bend it. If it is easy to fold and handle in this way, the shoe should be flexible enough for your child. Avoid shoes with too rigid soles.

How do I know if my child is well in his shoes?

A child will not always have a tendency to verbalize his feelings. It is therefore important to observe him when he tries on his shoes at the store, but also during the first uses at home. As your child may feel embarrassed in a store, he will not behave the same as at home.

Toddler Girls Sandals CanadaTo find out if the shoe is well suited to your child’s feet, do not hesitate to compare their behavior when they are barefoot and when they are wearing their shoes. To do this, encourage him to walk, run and jump (first without his shoes and afterwards with his shoes). Nothing should change in your child’s posture and gait. It is also very important to try on both shoes at the same time.

To make sure your child will wear their shoes, they need to like them and feel good in them. A child who removes his shoes often can indicate that he does not feel well inside.

Finally, it is also recommended to adapt to the particularities of your child:

  • For a child who tends to walk on tiptoes, do not choose shoes with higher heels (shoes padded towards the back), as this may encourage them to continue walking in this way, which may cause a loss of flexibility of the Achilles tendon.
  • For a child who lacks stamina, it is best not to use a shoe that is too flat and too stiff. It must be flexible and aerodynamic to promote propulsion. A cushioned sole could also help.
  • For children who tend to constantly sit with their legs in a W (common position, but not recommended), it is very important to avoid stiff shoes that will keep the child in this position. The latter will then have more difficulty getting up and correcting his position. Instead, opt for very flexible shoes that will facilitate the change of position and help him to break this habit.

If you have any doubts or questions about the choice of shoes for your child or about the development of his feet, do not hesitate to consult a physiotherapy professional or a health professional specializing in this field.

Why choose soft baby shoes?

Toddler Girls Sandals CanadaFor a long time, stiff shoes won parents’ preference because they prevent ankle twists, hold the foot firmly, and provide support.

Today, flexible baby shoes, lighter and more adapted to small feet are widely acclaimed. They offer more comfort and allow toddlers to better feel every movement of their feet and every contact with the ground. They also allow muscles to develop freely, without strain, while leaving enough room for the toes.

Children’s shoes: how to choose them?

Take professional advice. Ask your doctor or podiatrist for more information. If in doubt, ask him to take stock of your child’s foot. Her advice will likely be less focused than that of any salesperson. And don’t forget that foot problems in adulthood often have their roots in bad shoes worn in childhood.

Measure your child’s feet accurately.  You can use a foot meter to find out your shoe size. You will also find printable pedometers on the web. However, be aware that a pair of size 21 shoes in one brand may correspond to 22 in another. For more details, it is better to measure the size of your child’s foot in centimeters and study the conversion tables offered by many manufacturers or stores. Feel free to measure your child’s two feet, lengthwise and crosswise. If your child has a wide foot, choose suitable shoes.

Prefer children’s shoes with non-slip soles.  At this age, our kids are daredevils. Avoid slippery children’s shoes like the plague. Especially if you live in a house with parquet or tiled floors.

Choose shoes with wide and protected toes. The end of the shoe should finally be wide enough so that your child’s toes can move freely, without compression. Prefer models with protected ends to prevent exterior floor coverings from damaging them too quickly.