Men Running shoes

Buying Guide Mens running shoes Canada

Running shoes take a lot of heat overall. That is why it is very important to put certain things under a microscope when considering buying one. Obviously, these shoes must be able to withstand a lot of pressure. But there is so much more to it. As such, here are some tips when it comes to acquiring the best running shoes for you.

Is it important to know our physical condition before buying men’s running shoes?

Mens Running Shoes Canada - Best Winter Running ShoesDefinitely, yes. Before buying running shoes, it is necessary to know some peculiarities of our physical condition such as weight, height and type of walking. The high-end or high-end range, in addition to offering superior performance to other ranges, is designed for the following applications heavier riders. Although this range is usually more expensive, it reduces the risk of injury.

On the other hand, the upper and middle ranges are also useful when the weight is intermediate, although you must consider that the quality of the damping is lower, and therefore the stride will require more energy. Today, several brands of running shoes include the range of their products in the technical sheet.

What Kind of Men’s Running Shoes Should I Wear?

This is one of the most important features, because there are slippers for specific terrains and uses. Wearing sports shoes adapted to a particular natural environment allows the runner to improve his physical performance. Plus, making an informed choice will prevent injury. Below is a list of the different types:

Asphalt: These are the most common for running. They are generally light and flexible. They have a high degree of cushioning and their adjustable upper allows the foot to breathe without moving inside the shoe. They normally have a medium to high lifespan because they are made to withstand natural wear and tear.

Trail: This type is used for races in the bush or in unpaved terrain. They are usually stronger and heavier than asphalt or training. They have exceptional grip and their design and materials are engineered to withstand the harshest natural conditions. The sole of this type of shoe is generally thicker.

Flying: So-called “flying shoes” are used in competition or for runners looking to increase their speed. These shoes are lighter than asphalt and are designed to provide what is called the catapult effect, which is to provide the catapult effect. runner with a slight pulse with each step.

Mixed: This range can be used in training and also in competition. They are most often used by heavy runners or runners with slower paces. They are the most common on the market.

How important is knowing our footprint before purchasing men’s running shoes?

Mens Running Shoes Canada - Best Winter Running ShoesThe type of tread is a factor to consider before purchasing running shoes. In trail models, however, on asphalt or in competition, it is essential to have the correct setting to prevent accidents or injuries in intense situations.

In order to know the type of footprint we have it is enough to check the wear of the shoes usually used. If that is not enough, you can walk with your wet foot on a sheet of paper and check the type of print that is marked, that way you can discard the models that do not match the print. Below are the types of treads that exist:

Pronator: This is the most common step among runners. Pronators are those who walk with the inner part of the foot, leaving all the weight on it. It’s easy to tell if someone is pronating by the wear and tear on their shoes, which usually show the worn sole on their inner edge. In this case, not wearing the right shoes can lead to ankle or knee sprains.

Supinator: The opposite case to the pronator. Recumbent runners carry weight on the outside of the feet, which causes wear to the outside edges and the heel. In this case, not wearing the right shoes can cause repetitive sprains, stress fractures and knee pain on the inner and outer sides indiscriminately.

Neutral: The neutral runner is one who has a flat tread that does not overload the inner or outer part of the foot. This happens when they run with their legs completely parallel. This is the ideal tread, since most shoe models are made for this type of skates.

Features to look for when buying running shoes

Comfort: Since running is already a demanding activity for some, the best type of running shoes should be very comfortable. Pay attention to the characteristics that surround the cushioning of the foot, this is the best way to achieve this. The quality of the insoles or sock liners, among other components, plays a vital role.

Durability: As we said before, these shoes go through many severe conditions. The materials used to make them must be both strong and durable. Whether it’s a synthetic blend or an authentic fabric, it must be able to withstand all types of terrain.

Flexibility: Being able to glide on all kinds of platforms is one of the attributes that running shoes need. On that basis alone, they should be as flexible as possible. It also contributes to the overall comfort that these types of shoes provide.

Style & Fit: Just because they’re running shoes doesn’t need to be eye-catching. The style has to complement the style of the user and for this to happen, it has to be perfectly matched. Not only does a poor fit look awkward, it could also cause unnecessary injury.

Waterproof: Whether it’s everyday shoes or real running shoes, they need to be waterproof. There is a good chance that these shoes will come in contact with water at one point or another. The waterproofness ensures the durability of the shoe.


Finding the best running shoes involves taking several factors into consideration, such as your profile as a runner, type of run, characteristics, and more.

Mens Running Shoes Canada - Best Winter Running ShoesSize and fit

To respect this first criterion, it is essential to read the reviews and comments of other runners who have tried the shoe. Some shoes are made big, others very narrow, etc.

When you try on the shoe for the first time, ask yourself the following questions. Does it rub a bit against your skin? Is he uncomfortable? A shoe can be stiff at first, and will become more flexible as you wear it. But if you feel a rub against your skin initially, this may not be the model or size for you.


Keep in mind that the lighter a running shoe, the faster you will be able to run. The average weight of a men’s running shoe is around 9.5 pounds, and a women’s shoe will always be a little smaller and therefore lighter.

On the other hand, a slightly heavier shoe generally offers better support and better injury prevention.


part the upper part of a shoe is what should best adapt to the shape of the foot. It must be made of breathable, solid materials that move with the foot. There is also often a protective cape on the toes.


The midsole sits between the upper and the outsole. It is usually made of foam or spongy fabric, for better comfort. The outsole is the base of the shoe, and is usually made from one or more types of rubber. Its primary purpose is to protect your foot and ensure good grip.


Do the shoes affect long distance performance?

Over a long distance, shoes can have a big impact on performance. Choose a shoe that offers good energy return. An overly cushioned sole will absorb some of your energy.

How many kilometers should I have run in my shoes before a marathon?

To run a marathon, you should use shoes that are at their best, that is, you will have run at least 50 kilometers with them, but not more than 150. Do not use new shoes since you do not have them. are not sure they will be comfortable. If your shoes are too worn, however, they may lack grip or bounce.

How long before my marathon do I have to “break” my shoes?

It doesn’t take long for your new shoes to mold to your feet and be comfortable. Running shoes are made of rubber and fabric, unlike other types of leather shoes. If you’re used to a particular brand, you could wear them right out of the box, but we recommend running at least 50 miles before wearing your new shoes for a marathon.

Can you run a marathon with shoes that feel “barefoot”?

Even though minimalist running shoes can strengthen the muscles in the lower legs and feet, we do not recommend wearing them for long distance running. Choose a more cushioned model with good rebound to prevent injury.